
This Transparency section is required by the State of Michigan, Public Act 51 of 1951, amended. Transparency keeps citizens continuously informed about the activities of the Ogemaw County Road Commission. On this page you’ll find financial reports, budget information, and other required links and documents. The Ogemaw County Road Commission is committed to maintaining the public’s trust and making the best and most efficient use of all funds received.


Transparency Documents

ACT 51 Report—Recipients of Michigan Transportation Funds are required to report their annual earnings and expenditures to the Michigan Department of Transportation. MDOT reviews the Street Financial Reports submitted by agencies and determines compliance with reporting requirements.

General Appropriations Budget (Detail)

Job Classification and Wage Rate Certification

MDOT Form 5572, Protecting Local Government Retirement Benefit Act (PA 202 of 2017)

MDOT Form 2067, Annual Certification of Employee-Related Conditions

MDOT Form 0179, Title VI Sub-Recipient Annual Certification Form


Transparency Links

Michigan Department of Treasury Local Unit Audit Reports — To access the Road Commission’s annual audit reports

MTF (Michigan Transportation Funds) Distribution — This Website allows the user to search the MTF payments distribution to counties, cities, and villages.

Transportation Asset Management Council Dashboard — The information in this dashboard has been provided by the Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council for the State of Michigan.

The gauges from the dashboards show the condition, operation, and investment in Michigan’s public road system from the Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC). By viewing the gauges you can measure the performance of the Montcalm County Road Commission and compare performance for roads under the jurisdiction of the State of Michigan, counties, cities and villages.


  • Pavement: gauges the condition of paved road surfaces.
  • Bridge: gauges the condition of bridges based on bi-annual bridge inspections.
  • Traffic: gauges the estimated annual miles on roadways.
  • Safety: gauges the number of traffic accidents to measure how effectively the Road Commission road system is performing.
  • Maintenance: gauges the activities of snow removal, patching, grading, and mowing.
  • Finance: gauges how investments in the road and bridge system are made by the counties according to Public Act 51 report.

Contact OCRC

Office: (989) 345-0234

Fax: (989) 345-2337


Shop: (989) 345-2240

1250 S. M-33
P.O. Box 157
West Branch, MI 48661